2106305-001 | |
Patient Monitoring | |
B40 Patient Monitor v3 | |
GE HealthCare | |
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- Standard ECG cables are available in 3/5- 6- and 12-lead configurations. Additional specialty cables include a 3-lead neonatal DIN and a 3/5- lead cable with electro-surgical unit (ESU) filtration for operating rooms.
- Cables are electrically shielded to protect ECG signal integrity.
- Chemical-resistant jacketing extends cable life facilitates cleaning and remains flexible to withstand bending and twisting and enhance patient comfort.
- A standardized interface allows patients to be easily moved from one monitoring application to another.
Product Overview
ECG Trunk Cable with 3/5-Lead Connector AHA, 3.6 m/12 ft., 1/pack
Related Product Video
Additional Features
- ECG cables have a pictorial guide to assist with the placement of the patient leadwires.
- Non-GSPO