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16 Slice MDAS PCI DIP 2363229-H

Computed Tomography (CT)
Other Computed Tomography (CT)
GE HealthCare
교환 - 반품 결함
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  • Advanced design
  • No need of any switches, controls or adjustments
  • Safe, clean and anti-static packaging provided
  • compliant to safety standards

제품 개요

The 16 Slice MDAS PCI DIP comes as a part of the Computed Tomography (CT) device. A stream of electrons generated by the X-Ray tube is accelerated to specific velocity by an external voltage supply and collide with the target anode in the tube. The beam formed is focused on the patient, and X-Rays emerging from the patient carry the image information is stored in a film. The collimator is provided to filters the rays. The DAS is a process of measuring the parameters of a patient through a software. All the interfaces to the patient occur through the DAS. The 16-slice PCI DAS Interface Processor (DIP) acts as the main interface between the MDAS and the GRE Subsystem. It receives scan data in a high-speed serial stream from the slip ring interface and transmits it to the main memory of the Data Acquisition and Recon Control board (DARC). At the completion of this scan data direct memory access (DMA) it generates a Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) interrupt. The board is a half-length PCI add-in card, designed to fit any off-the-shelf motherboard’s 64-bit PCI slot. The GE product is an Innovation and technology which fits well into versatile customer needs. It is manufactured using high precision techniques which helps to achieve a good surface finish as well as good product consistency. The part is diligently designed for high performance and reliability. It is securely packaged inside a high quality packing box to avoid physical damage during transit and labeled with details about the product, Quality Assurance (QA) seal and shipment details.

  • 추가 기능

    • Designed to fit any off-the-shelf motherboards
    ©2025 GE HealthCare
    GE is a trademark of General Electric Company. Used under trademark license.
    상호명: 지이헬스케어코리아㈜
    대표이사: 김은미
    경기도 성남시 중원구 순환로 214번길 9 / 서울시 중구
    한강대로 415
    사업자 등록번호: 129-81-14880
    Email: my.gehealthcareko@gehealthcare.com
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